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Huayun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd, started and set up by TIdfore, has been allowed to open for business.


On April,17th, 2015, Tidfore Heavy Equipment Group received the “Reply On the opening-up of Huayun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd” (Tianjin Banking Regulatory) from Tianjin Bureau, China Banking Regulatory Commission Authority. Huayun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd, started and set up by our company, has been allowed to open for business.

According to the reply of Tianjin Regulatory Bureau, Huayun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd is approved to carry out ten businesses in financing and leasing, transfer and assignation of financing and leasing assets, fixed income stocks investment business, acceptance of lessee’s deposit from lease, absorption of non-bank shareholders’ three-month (or more) fixed term deposit, inter-bank lending, loans from financial institutions, foreign loans, sales and processing of leasing goods, financial consultancy. (Text/Xie Yangchi)